Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Employees and Craft Shows

The chicks are here! I picked up the girls on Saturday from Duda-Lang Farms in House Springs from the lovely Sue Lang. I got three little cheepers and have been playing mother hen ever since. Temporarily, the little rascals are living indoors. I have their brooder box in the bathroom -- we like to keep it classy at the Schroeder Urban Farm. It's a necessity though, the weather has been cold and chilly lately. In fact, it was snowing like crazy on our way back from picking up the chicks. (Attn: Mother Nature -- It's SPRING! Please get with the program.) In a couple weeks, it will be warm enough to move the brooder box and the babies to the garage with their heat lamp. It should be interesting, they have already figured out how to fly, so keeping them in the brooder might be somewhat challenging! The coop is about halfway finished and if the weather will give me a break, I think I can finish it up in a day or two.

Hugs and peeps from the babies to my buddy, Janelle, who is the best baby chicken holder, ever. She was kind enough to accompany me to pick up the little stinkers and give them lots of love on their journey home. 

Meet the latest additions to the family aka The Employees:




The girls won't be doing much but being cute to earn their keep until the end of the summer, but by then they will begin to lay eggs. The word is that fresh eggs are tons better than store-bought and I'm looking forward to finding out. The employees should lay roughly 1 egg a day, so that's 21 eggs a week! This is excellent since we go through a metric ton of eggs every couple weeks. 

In other news, the craft show schedule has been hammered out and there's lots of exciting stuff going on. First, I've spent the winter doing some planning and working on improving my brand. Expect to see a lot more maps this year! 

Here's what I have planned so far:

Friday, April 29, 5-8:30

This is a Craft Mafia show and will be held at the St. Louis Artists' Guild
Saturday, April 30, 10-5
Sunday, April 31, 10-4

Saturday, May 21, 8:30-12:30
Saturday, June 18, 8:30-12:30
Saturday, July 23, 8:30-12:30
Saturday, August 20, 8:30-12:30
Saturday, October 22, 8:30-12:30

This is an exciting new show hosted by the St. Louis Craft Mafia and is also a fundraiser for 10th Life Cats. It will be held at the Regional Arts Commission in the Delmar Loop
Saturday, June 4, 11-11

Saturday, May 14, 9-3
Saturday, June 11, 9-3
Saturday, July 9, 9-3
Saturday, August 13, 9-3

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